Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Your Writing Projects an Image

I just got off the phone from a manager who was asking for help for one of his staff members. He really likes the employee and appreciates his expertise and commitment to the job. However, the manager is greatly concerned about the young man's writing ability. He said the man's resume states he graduated from a recognized college. "How can a college pass someone who communicates so poorly," the manager asked. The company they both work for is trying to build a highly professional image. "I can't let this guy send out any external email. It's too embarrassing and certainly does not project the image we want."

My own thoughts are that in today's marketplace it's not enough to be an expert in your field. You have to be able to communicate your expertise to others.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Just because we've gone "business casual" in terms of dress code, doesn't mean our writing should be "shorts and a t-shirt."
